GEMS Learner Profile is committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and dedicated to providing the best possible education for our students by developing the knowledge, understanding, skills and values essential for self-directed, life-long learning. We will develop in intellectually capable young people the creative minds, healthy bodies and ethical spirit needed to contribute wisdom, compassion, and leadership to a global society.
Through social interaction and by studying and experiencing other cultures and belief systems, this rich diversity will instill a unique international understanding in your child – just what they need to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.
Inside every child we see greatness to be discovered. We believe that a quality education is key to unlocking the genius in every child. At GEMS, we believe in providing education which is rooted in values, aligned to well-defined learning outcomes, truly global as well as culturally-relevant and personalized to the needs of every child. Committed to the highest standards of academic excellence, GEMS students are creative, self-directed, life-long learners with the wisdom and compassion to make a positive difference to global society. Every child can learn. Just not the same day or the same way. Thus, Differentiated Instruction and Inclusion are key aspects of learning and development at a GEMS school. We celebrate diversity.
The not-for-profit campaigner for change has committed to the many projects. We believe that by engaging with these projects, our students develop a better understanding of global development issues and the impact they can have in our world.Our aspiration is that, for every child enrolled at a GEMS school, we impact the lives of 100 underprivileged children in our world.